Business Name

How Do You Choose Your House Cleaning Business Name?

Your business name will be the first thing your potential clients will see. They will determine a lot from just your name. You want your name to stand out and spell out exactly what you do. You also want your name to sound like a professional business. Think about what steps you take when you are looking through the phone book or the Internet to pick out a plumber or carpenter. What is the first thing you look at: Their Business Name.

So, what should your name entail? One thing you have to consider is will you be offering more than residential house cleaning at some point? If you may, do not add "house cleaning" to the end of your business name.  You can add cleaning service instead, that way you can add any kind of cleaning to your business you like.

Many people will just use their personal names such as "Stacy's House Cleaning" or "Stacy's Cleaning Service". That is a good, personal choice. Even better would be using where you live in your name. Make your name hit close to home. For example, if you live in Florida, you can name your business "Florida's Best House Cleaning Service". This name will stand out above the rest. If you are going to offer more services in addition to house cleaning, try naming your business "Florida's Best Cleaning Services". This will leave you open to adding on any kind of cleaning service and will not limit your business to just house cleaning.

After you have picked out your name, you want to be sure no one else is using it. Some businesses will federally trademark their name. This is to ensure no one else can legally use their name nationwide. To check the trademark database click here.  Now that you have checked the federal database, you need to check your state database. There is a separate database available for each state.

To find your state database, go to the Secretary of State site and click on your state. Find the area where you can do a business search. Then just type in the name you are thinking of using. If nothing comes up, that means no one is registered in your state with that name. You may also want to check the newspapers, Internet and the phone book, just in case someone is using it but is not registered with the state. You can not use a name which is in use in your state or nationally. You can't even use a variation of it. So, be sure to check all your resources before putting your business name on paper.

Another thing to keep in mind when you pick your business name is whether the domain name for your business name is available. Even if you do not want a website now (which I advise you get one), you may want one in the future. Domain registration is fairly cheap. Costing around $9 per year. Go to Go Daddy to register your domain name today.  So, if I was to use the name "Stacy's Cleaning Services", I would go to GoDaddy and type in  If that was available, i would use that name.  If not, i would try variations of the name such has  If a simple variation is not available, I would move onto a different business name.  You want your business name and your website to be either the same or very close.  Many time your clients will talk about your business to their friends and will only know your name so will search for your website from that.  Make it easy for them to tell their friends about you!